What danger lurks before us? Find out next week!
The Digital Edition
The Digital Edition
Because the actual comic took so long to come out (I move slowly, what can I say?) I put a recap page in the comic. However, now that it’s online, there isn’t a gap between updates like there was when it originally came out. Which is why I threw this in as an extra rather than having this as an official update (which would be lame). If this is your first time to the site, this is a good a page as any to start on. If it isn’t, don’t worry, next week there will be a real update, with a real comic strip…. I promise!
Happy New Year everyone!
A new year and a new issue! #4 was an interesting story. It originally took me a year to get done because of the way I create this comic. Once I finished it, I realised, (unfortunately after I ran a couple of print runs) that I really had two issues. As a result, I went through the story and broke it up into issue #4 and issue #5.
This means that there are extremely limited editions of Isaac & Lee floating around out there that comprise both issues. I’ve entitled it Giant Sized Isaac & Lee. It’s got a sketchy cover with Isaac and Lee and an explosion in the background.
This is the final up to date single issue #4 cover. Stay tuned this week for an extra update as I bring you the first page which recaps the story so far. Next week…. an actual strip!
And that brings us to the end of issue #3.
Happy Boxing Day Everyone!
Sadly, this scene was inspired by actual events.
This was the all antagonist issue. Each antagonist took a lot of work at the time for me to come up with a character design.
If this page had a title it would simply be “Wackiness Ensues”.
Yes, I will admit I was channeling the seedy guy from Sesame Street who was going up to people and trying to sell them letters (in regards to the trenchcoat-fedora gang). Now see that last panel? That last panel marks an event, where everything goes sideways. Tune in next week to find out what happens next!
Sitting around drinking in a seedy bar, waiting for a weird, clandestine group to show up. What could possibly go wrong?