Does Lee get the girl? In some ways this scene is extremely important. Why? You’ll find out as you read on. This woman is one of the many departures from reality I took. In this case, I use her as a tool to develop Lee’s character.
The Digital Edition
The Digital Edition
Does Lee get the girl? In some ways this scene is extremely important. Why? You’ll find out as you read on. This woman is one of the many departures from reality I took. In this case, I use her as a tool to develop Lee’s character.
Hooray for the lack of paint bucket use! I’m not sure what I was thinking, but it’s pretty obvious now that those two blacks in the doorway are completely different. I think this was back when I was using a PC to do my work. In addition to it constantly crashing because I was making the computer do too much work, the monitor I had had terrible resolution. I think it was a SVGA, and not even a flat screen CRT. My point? I could barely see what I was doing on that old thing. It’s amazing Isaac and Lee turned out as well as it did at the time.
The nice thing about a psuedo-biographical comic is that every once in a while one of the people in the story will read what you are creating and then add in their two cents worth, which in turn, ends up in the comic. (re: the backdoor joke) This book I like to call “attack of the trench-coats” in the same way the first issue had an excess of bookcases.
Is everyone ready for the second issue of Isaac & Lee? For those of you just joining us, feel free to search the archives to see the beginning of the story. At this point however, you can still pretty much jump right in and enjoy the story without any problems. I originally started this series as a mini-comic. After seven years of drawing their story I am releasing it online so that more people can read the story. If you want to read the story in hardcopy, it is available from the Isaac & Lee online store. If you have any questions or comments on the story feel free to let me know what you think. I am also available for commissions as well. And now, the story!
I’m back to add commentary to the pages. As I drew these almost seven years ago, I have quite a bit to reminisce about. As we begin the second story, the pace picks up a bit. This is where the shirts begin to show up in the story. Each shirt pays a bit of homage to something that each of the real life people were known for at the time of the initial publishing. Oh and yes, more bookcases.
We finally come to the end of the first issue and the beginning of the adventure. I remember having such a time with trying to figure out the logistics of turning on car lights effectively. At the time, I was planning on printing everything off on my home printer. This was right before the advent of POD. I hadn’t heard of Ka-Blam or any of those places, so when I was drawing stories, I had to take into account the amount of ink that I’d be using in the printing process of the book. The art suffered accordingly. It’s pages like this that make me want to revise the series.
Wheee! Did I say that the conversation was wrapped up in the last page? Oh no, not yet. As per Isaac and Lee, they go over the top with everything, including weird philosophical debates. Well, this whole first story was only supposed to introduce the characters and to go for a short walk in their world. Looking back over this, I would definitely reign them in a bit here.
As one can soon find out with Isaac & Lee, the story isn’t plot driven. It’s character-driven and the characters are chatty. Very chatty. They occasionally like to go off on random topics like this one. In as much as the audience was getting to know the characters, so was I. Another note? At the time, I was unsure as to how to represent a black t-shirt without loosing the line work so I used a weird technique involving inverse colouring. Way overcomplicated now that I look back at it.