Trouble is My Business (page 4)


I would later go on to put “Oh, the tragedy of the lowly, local bookstore owner” on many different  items. I just really liked that quote. This would be the part where you begin to get a glimpse of Isaac’s penchant for drama and wise-assery (it’s a word now). Also, you can tell that I am beginning to grow tired of drawing plain bookcases and so, have been putting random items on the shelves in the background. I got the idea from this scene from the movie “Better than Chocolate” where there is a sub-plot involving problems trying to get books into the bookstore “Little Sisters” (an actual alternative bookstore in Vancouver, BC).

4 thoughts on “Trouble is My Business (page 4)

  1. ‘pension’ should be ‘penchant’

  2. Whoops! At least my incorrect use of words is more complex than the old “their, there, they’re” 😀

  3. What a gracious reply to an anal post! I love your wit and wimsy (which I should have told you instead of nitpicking 🙂 )

    Aunt Lois

  4. I’m used to my friends reading my work. I’m lucky enough to surround myself by fellow writers and editors.
    Thanks for the compliment! Isaac and Lee is loosely based on two of my friends, often times I really don’t feel that I’m creating the comic, so much as taking notes as the characters dictate them to me. 🙂

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