Continuing the parody but also please note that real life Lee can go on about that much information and give you the movie you are thinking of.
This is another page where I sit, stare at it and think of how I would do it completely differently now.
Isaac & Lee
The Digital Edition
Isaac & Lee
The Digital Edition
This is a continuation of the Clerks homage, but I also wanted to make sure that people got to see how Lee interacts with the general public. Also, he owns the bookstore, people needed to see him at work. The shirt is based on an actual shirt that the real life Lee wore. Cinemorte was a horror film festival that happened every year down in the states (I want to say Seattle but I know I’m going to get corrected on this) with a satellite show that would take place here in Vancouver. Like all good film festivals it unfortunately came to an end.
Because the actual comic took so long to come out (I move slowly, what can I say?) I put a recap page in the comic. However, now that it’s online, there isn’t a gap between updates like there was when it originally came out. Which is why I threw this in as an extra rather than having this as an official update (which would be lame). If this is your first time to the site, this is a good a page as any to start on. If it isn’t, don’t worry, next week there will be a real update, with a real comic strip…. I promise!
The very top cover is the original cover for issue #3 but over the years, I decided to give the books a bit of a facelift.
And so the adventure begins! (and we learn that Lee isn’t as innocent as he would have us believe.)
I like this scene because it is not only a bit of foreshadowing for later on in the series, but it also shows what will become a pattern for Isaac and Lee to interact. Lee is going about his life and Isaac comes along and shakes things up for him.
Will Lee answer the phone? Thrill to the exciting conclusion! Yay slice of life stories. They can’t all have pulse-pounding action.
Does Lee get the girl? In some ways this scene is extremely important. Why? You’ll find out as you read on. This woman is one of the many departures from reality I took. In this case, I use her as a tool to develop Lee’s character.
Hooray for the lack of paint bucket use! I’m not sure what I was thinking, but it’s pretty obvious now that those two blacks in the doorway are completely different. I think this was back when I was using a PC to do my work. In addition to it constantly crashing because I was making the computer do too much work, the monitor I had had terrible resolution. I think it was a SVGA, and not even a flat screen CRT. My point? I could barely see what I was doing on that old thing. It’s amazing Isaac and Lee turned out as well as it did at the time.