Getting Back on Track

Hello everyone!

I’d like to take this chance to welcome everyone back! For those of you who popped by to see if there were new updates, I really appreciate it! These past few months have been extremely stressful with the computer break down and then convention season beginning. But now that my computer is fixed and I’m back from Calgary, I’m ready to bring you new stories!

But in addition to new stories, I’d also like to link to my older stories for those people who are just coming to the site. What I’m going to do for those people is have Throwback Thursdays, but I’m not going to repost the old strips as I know that’ll break up the continuity for those of you who are up to date. So instead, I’m going to post a link to the old strips.

Another thing that I’m going to be doing as well is opening up for commissions. This will not take away from the site. If anyone wants commission work done, please head over to my store at and click on the commission button.

The final thing that I am also doing is revamping my Patreon Page. Basically, I’m passing around the hat and asking for donations. I don’t need much, but it would be handy to be able to offset the cost of hosting the site, which, after over ten years of comic creating now needs to move to a bigger server. Really, any little bit is a appreciated and I’m only too happy to show my gratitude by offering advance content, sketches and other goodies. so become a Patron today!

Again, I’d like to thank you all for sticking by me and coming back as I get back to creating the comics you know and love!

– Beth Wagner